Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Drawing number 81 Work in Progress

I have decided to start working on a children's book about a little owl named fluffy who likes day time and hates the night. This is problematic because owls are nocturnal creatures. Anyway I am trying to take my time on each drawing and make it really special. I usually crank out a drawing in under an hour. I am experimenting with different textures and shapes.

So first I drew the different shapes in Adobe Illustrator and then brought then in piece by piece to Photoshop and used them as masks to my textures. This way I get a nice clean edge but a cool texture inside.

I will try and post some more work in progress as it goes on. Let me know if you have any questions.

1 comment:

  1. Can you also do it the other way, take a texture and paste it into a shape in Illustrator? I haven't really used masks, being an Illustrator newbie. I mostly use Photoshop, I wish I knew how to do more in Illustrator.
